Do you love shopping on Amazon? Christ Clarion Preschool is now registered as a charitable organization through Amazon Smile. When you select our school as your charitable organization, the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate .05% of all your eligible purchases to Christ Clarion. You must make your purchases through the Amazon Smile website, not the regular Amazon site. You can easily set this up as your default site and your shopping experience will look just the same. Be sure to choose Christ Clarion Preschool, the Church is also listed as a choice but that will not benefit the school. Please consider this next time you shop!
Arts and Smarts for 4's
Thursdays 9:00-11:30
This enrichment presents children in the four year old program the opportunity to attend school four mornings per week. This extra time will allow students to dive deeper into the developmentally appropriate practices of our four year old curriculum in the areas of: science, math, literacy and the arts. The Arts and Smarts for 4's program offers elements of both our Books and Beyond and Science classes. The class meets one morning per week.
Children must be 4 by December 1 to enroll in this class.
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Alison Wrona
T/Th 2's Assistant Teacher
-BS in Visual Arts, State University at New Paltz
-Coursework in Child Psychology and Education, State University at New Paltz
-Substitute Teacher at Christ Clarion Preschool since 2016
-Christ Clarion Alumnus