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Transitional Kindergarten
"Transitional Kindergarten gives the gift of time to children who are smart and capable but need another year to grow."
The Transitional Kindergarten program is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten. The curriculum is based on the New York State Learning Standards and is designed to support young five year olds. It will build on the skills the children learned in preschool to ensure they will be able to enter kindergarten with the maturity and confidence they need to succeed.
Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00
Daily Schedule
9:00 Arrival
9:10 Morning Meeting
9:30 Structured Center Time and Small group work
10:15 Playtime with MWF & M-F classes
10:45 Snack
11:00 Whole Group Lesson and/or Activity
11:30 Outside Play
11:55 Dismissal
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